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Learn How to Learn using NLP Techniques

Learn How to Learn using NLP Techniques

TO: ALL Parents and/or Grandparents of Struggling Students It is report card time and also time for parent/teacher conferences. Is your child or grandchild doing as well as they can in school? Have you ever realized that our schools do not ever get around to teaching...

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A true experience of Mind over Body

A true experience of Mind over Body

 Landing on My Feet A true experience of mind over body. We can either limit or unleash our own abilities by our own belief systems. Believing we can do it and committing our hearts will allow us to make our dreams come true. Don't be afraid, just do it. As a child I...

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What is NLP & How Can You Benefit From it?

What is NLP & How Can You Benefit From it?

So, what exactly is NLP anyway? The skills and attitude known as NLP* make it possible for you to have the things you want, in a fraction of the time!  NLP* is a set of behavioral tools that bridge the gap between language and behavior (like software for your mind!)--...

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