At 52, Carla finally started to get along with her mom. Then her alcoholic sister moved in and ruined everything. Carla feels cursed...but who is doing the cursing? knows.... Dear spirit, I am 52 years old and have lived with my mother...
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ASK THE SPIRIT! Health problems, financial concerns, relationship traumas
"Jen the Jinxed" feels overwhelmed by obstacles: health problems, financial concerns, relationship traumas. Can I turn this one around? Does a bear do its business in the woods?!? Did you doubt even for a second?!!??? Dear Spirit, For years I have had a run of...
ASK THE SPIRIT Half Empty or Half Full?
Dear Spirit, What does a New Yorker see when viewing a glass 48% filled with liquid? --A Fellow Nu Yauka Dear Nu, I just love this question because, as questions usually are, it is deeper than you could have imagined. In yogic terminology, we speak of the upayas, the...
Question about Interpreting Tarot Cards Yourself
"I have been studying the Tarot for some time now and it finally seems to be coming together for me. I still am having problems interpreting the Court cards - are there any tips you can give me to make them easier for me to read? Blessings, Gypsy " -- GYPSY of...
I Have a Large, Square Hand & Have Been Married three Times
Question: I have a large, square hand, a good farm, good income and a strong sex drive. I have been married three times to attractive women with strong, long hands who love to ride horses. Yet they have all left me after short relationships to go back to the city....
ASK THE SPIRIT – Destiny, Desire, or Duality
"Destiny and Desire" can't stop thinking about her ex! Are they meant to be together? Dear Spirit, I've been thinking about my ex-husband a lot over the past 4 months. We have been divorced for quite a few years...during which time we have had a wonderful friendship...
Is Long Thin Hands in Palmistry for Secretive Personality
Question: My wife has long, thin hands and she has made our rural home quite attractive with all her decorating. We have been married for years. She feeds me well and takes care of me through the seasons that I so love, but I can never understand her or tell what...
ASK THE SPIRIT! Past Life Stuff
As a kid, Manly Man Rob pounded out rhythms on pots and pans in his mother's kitchen. Past-life residue, or baby babe-magnet? The Spirit got the beat on this one. Dear Spirit: The other day while I was talking with some hippie-ish woman about music, I told her about...
ASK THE SPIRIT: Let Go, Let God, For Godsakes! He won her…then he got lazy.
He wooed her, he won her, he wed her...then he got lazy. Now he's contrite, but Michele can't let go of her anger. Ring, ring, clue phone: You're living a lie, Michele.... Dear Spirit, I'm a 42 year old Canadian woman who recently moved to Australia from Canada to be...