"You and your wife always look so happy. You're always getting along. Other couples aren't like that. They get along until they get married and then they start fighting right away," a co-worker tells my husband. "Well, you can sure tell life agrees with you. You look...
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Conscious and Unconscious Body – Access the inner wisdom
It’s a well-known fact that when we don’t use it, we loose it. This is a fairly adequate description of our knowledge of our own anatomy, once we’ve left the hallowed halls of the high school anatomy class, to say nothing of physiology. Fizzy what? You know, what the...
Determining Numerology Number – How to Calculate Your Life Path Number
Discover how numerology numbers can help you about love and achieve happiness in your life and relationships. Determining your numbers is very simple. You can use two different methods to avoid missing master numbers. The first method is to place the month, day and...
God@Heaven.com, Is the internet the new Highway to Heaven?
Is the internet the new Highway to Heaven? We welcome back Interfaith minister and author Rev. Sandra Lee Schubert ("Meditation for the Busy Person") as she examines the pros and cons of religion online. Where does God reside? In a church? Our hearts? Does God reside...
What is my Aura color – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, turquoise or pink?
Do you know what an aura? Can you see them? Do you know how to read them. Read on. Everyone has an aura, but do you know what color your aura is? First of all, the aura is the energy field surrounding your body. This energy field is made up of a variety of colors like...
Fortune Teller Game high level of accuracy
While majority of fortune teller games are usually used for entertainment purposes only, it comes as a surprise to both fortune teller game developer and user about the high level of accuracy it generates when it comes to providing forecast information. One of the...
Getting started with the I Ching as a creative tool
You can't force creativity. You might want to write your novel in a week, but it may take you a year. Or five years. This is where the I Ching can help you to appreciate your creative process, because the I Ching teaches respect for the cycles of existence. The...
Using Personal Power to create What it is that You Want in Your Lives
Many of you on the earth plane feel conflicts concerningthe use of personal power to create what it is that you want in your lives. Your history has many examples of powerful people, but unfortunately, your civilizations have emphasized those that used power for...
Curmudgeon Spirituality – The more I think I know, the less I really know
Web Mistress and Spiritual Curmudgeon explains her position as a doubting devotee of the Divine: "At once I still believed and still questioned, unready to plunge into the ocean, but not needing to pull on my running shoes either....That's the only constant in my...