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Too Emotionally Involved or You Care too Much

Too Emotionally Involved or You Care too Much

Have you ever been told that you are too emotional on any particular subject or person or deed? How about that you shouldn’t care as much as you do for something beyond your control or beyond your reach? Have you ever just sat and cried because of any of these...

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Hand Shapes in Palm Reading – Palmistry

Hand Shapes in Palm Reading – Palmistry

HAND SHAPE - THE STAGE The shape of your hands reflect the one of 4 elemental archetypes. Have a look at your hand and measure the length of your palm from wrist to fingers. Now measure your fingers from base to tip. Is your palm longer than your fingers? If so then...

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Palm Reading Body & Face reading for Men

Palm Reading Body & Face reading for Men

Physiognomy Of Men We have previosly explained you the meaning of Physiognomy and Chiromency as also the parts ruled by different planets and signs. So we need not repeat the same here. Now we explain the physiognomy of men 1. Height A tall man with wel I proportioned...

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