Huna Prayer from Djwhal Khul for Money The following is a Huna prayer channeled from Djwhal Khul for the manifestation of money for the Lightworkers on the planet. It is quite powerful and I suggest you share it with the spiritual communities you are involved in as...
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Hanging Out With The Divine Mommy
My experience on the fringe with Sri Karunamayi I'd gone to see just about every spiritual teacher who has come to town in the past several years....meditated, contemplated, studied, argued, fasted, feasted, raved, raged, sat in silence, sat in the Self, sat in my own...
Past Life Regressions offered by hypnotherapist for education, healing work and entertainment
"Past Life Regression" means different things to different people. Some seek to remember past lives as a way to learn about themselves or do in-depth healing work. Others may or may not believe in reincarnation but are curious and view it as a form of entertainment. ...
Call of the Guardians – Meditation and Searching
CALL OF THE GUARDIANSThis particular writing came to me following a period of meditation and searching, after the taking of my vows of service. It came from within me although I am hesitant to say that I wrote it for I feel it was inspired by the Holy Spirit and the...
Tetragrammaton Poet and essayist Jae Malone’s musings on the nature of God
"Much easier to not speak God's name than to say it aloud and risk finding out that it's Clarence." Much easier to not speak God's name than to say it aloud and risk finding out that it's Clarence. Since childhood, I've struggled long and hard over the nature of God....