Many of you on the earth plane feel conflicts concerningthe use of personal power to create what it is that you want in your lives. Your history has many examples of powerful people, but unfortunately, your civilizations have emphasized those that used power for...
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Curmudgeon Spirituality – The more I think I know, the less I really know
Web Mistress and Spiritual Curmudgeon explains her position as a doubting devotee of the Divine: "At once I still believed and still questioned, unready to plunge into the ocean, but not needing to pull on my running shoes either....That's the only constant in my...
Find out What Is Success in order to Achieve it!
What does success mean to you? You've got to define it before you can achieve it! Success means different things to different people. Before you attempt to measure just how successful you really are in your career (and in your life), take the time to write down...
ASK THE SPIRIT! Health problems, financial concerns, relationship traumas
"Jen the Jinxed" feels overwhelmed by obstacles: health problems, financial concerns, relationship traumas. Can I turn this one around? Does a bear do its business in the woods?!? Did you doubt even for a second?!!??? Dear Spirit, For years I have had a run of...
Angel Introduction There are all types of Angels in this world
There are all types of Angels in this world and the next. Angels exist in story books, in our minds, on this earth, and in other realms that we choose to accept or not to accept. They are out there and have been documented in various ways at various times in this...
Card: 0 The Fool – Take a risk today!
We can learn a lot from the Fool about trusting our innate creativity. He teaches us how to be in the present moment, how to move forward even when we're not sure where we're going, and how to take risks without worrying about failing. Access your Foolish energy One...
ASK THE SPIRIT Half Empty or Half Full?
Dear Spirit, What does a New Yorker see when viewing a glass 48% filled with liquid? --A Fellow Nu Yauka Dear Nu, I just love this question because, as questions usually are, it is deeper than you could have imagined. In yogic terminology, we speak of the upayas, the...
Learning the Tarot Cards: How Do You Start?
The question I am asked most by visitors to this site is: "How do I start learning to read the cards?". This article is aimed at those of you who are looking for an answer to this question. Starting to learn anything new is always a daunting experience and learning...
Quit Smoking with Hypnosis in Cyprus or online – Smoke Freedom
Stavros Santis is an nlp practitioner based in Larnaca, Cyprus. He has helped raise his children and other kids teaching them to open their minds to new and happier experiences that life has to offer. Stavros Santis knows he can not be everywhere so he is offering his...