So, what exactly is NLP anyway? The skills and attitude known as NLP* make it possible for you to have the things you want, in a fraction of the time! NLP* is a set of behavioral tools that bridge the gap between language and behavior (like software for your mind!)--...
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What is NLP, Anyway?
What is NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming or Natural Language Processing? SOMEONE ASKED me at a party the other day, What is it that you teach at these seminars anyway?" I get asked that question a lot. My answer is usually as different as the person asking. I THOUGHT...
Turn a negative situation into a positive one improve your happiness and health
Are You A Perpetually Positive Person? Turn a negative situation into a positive uplifting adventure with these tips to improve your happiness and health. I decided to start humming. Hummm…Hummm…Hummm…Hummm...Hummm… This attracted a few weird looks. I wasn’t doing it...
Using Personal Power to create What it is that You Want in Your Lives
Many of you on the earth plane feel conflicts concerningthe use of personal power to create what it is that you want in your lives. Your history has many examples of powerful people, but unfortunately, your civilizations have emphasized those that used power for...
Find out What Is Success in order to Achieve it!
What does success mean to you? You've got to define it before you can achieve it! Success means different things to different people. Before you attempt to measure just how successful you really are in your career (and in your life), take the time to write down...
NLP Life Coaching Courses – Teaching Values to Your Children
One thing most parents are really concerned about and think is important is the notion of teaching their children values. There is quite a bit of talk about how important this is and how to do it. Couple this with the societal decline in values that many people claim...
NLP visualization techniques helps 60yr. old with reading problems.
When you are too old to learn how to read? - Never Too Old!!! Some time ago, a 62 year old friend of mine mentioned to me that he had always had trouble reading. He commented that he would not understand what he read and that he would read it over and over in an...
Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP in the Classroom
How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP in the Classroom I have many teachers and graduates of my "Rediscover the Joy of Learning" certification training ask me how to use my "Joy" material and NLP in the classroom. Much of the "Joy" material is perceived to be...